Barbara Larson: Does the Office Have a Future?

Barbara Larson

In the wake of lock-down, do you still need a traditional office?

After all, millions have apparently stayed productive – despite working from home.

The result?

Many office tenants now see a chance to slash rents by keeping their staff at home – and cutting back on office space.

Needless to say, if tenants do shrink their offices en masse, there’s a big ‘ol question mark about the value of office buildings.

Not to mention nearby retail and residential.

So how big might the move out of traditional office space be?

And how might it impact our cities?

To help answer these questions, this episode features a conversation with remote working expert, Professor Barbara Larson.

Professor Larson is a faculty member at the D’Amore-McKim School of Business at Northeastern University.

And a regular Harvard Business Review contributor.

Listen to our conversation now and you’ll learn about:

  • The different kinds of remote work.
  • Which staff are best suited to working remotely.
  • What remote employees need to stay productive.
  • How remote work might shape our cities.
  • What the future holds for the traditional office.
  • And MUCH more.

Listen now…

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